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Rejoignez notre communauté de passionnés de tir à l'arc à Lausanne avec un forfait d'adhésion et obtenez un accès complet aux installations du World Archery Excellence Centre.

All plans are subject to the Membership Charter.

Best Value

Centre: Yearly membership

1 690 CHF

1 690

Tous les ans

Yearly membership to the World Archery Excellence Centre. Full access. Pay every 12 months.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

Full access to the indoor and outdoor shooting ranges.

Full access to the gym, sauna and lounge facilities.

Member-only coaching, classes and event discounts.

Full-year payment discount.

Full access

Centre: Monthly membership

200 CHF


Tous les mois

Monthly membership to the World Archery Excellence Centre. Full access. Flexible. Pay monthly and cancel anytime.

Valide jusqu'à annulation

Full access to the indoor and outdoor shooting ranges.

Full access to the gym, sauna and lounge facilities.

Member-only coaching, classes and event discounts.

Fully flexible membership.

Flexible membership

Pay yearly or monthly. AVS and student plans also available.


Pourquoi adhérer?

Accès toute l’année aux meilleures installations de tir à l’arc en Suisse, à une communauté accueillante d’archers de loisir et d’élite passionnés et à des activités exclusives pour les membres.

All plans are subject to the Membership Charter.

Best Value

Centre: Yearly membership (AVS/AI)

1 350 CHF

1 350

Tous les ans

Full access. Pay yearly. Discount for AVS/AI only (proof required).

Valide jusqu'à annulation

Fully yearly membership benefits.

Weekday classes and socials.

Full access

Centre: Monthly membership (AVS/AI)

160 CHF


Tous les mois

Full access. Flexible. Pay monthly. Cancel anytime. Discount for AVS/AI only (proof required).

Valide jusqu'à annulation

Full monthly membership benefits.

Weekday classes and socials.

AVS/AI membership

Pay yearly or monthly. Full-price and student plans also available.

All plans are subject to the Membership Charter.

Best Value

Centre: Student 1-year (pay now)

1 080 CHF

1 080

Special one-year membership rate for students.

Valable 12 mois

Full yearly member benefits.

Discounted rate for students up to age 25. (Proof required.)

Special price

Centre: Student 1-year (pay monthly)

90 CHF


Tous les mois

Special membership for students. Year commitment, pay monthly.

Valable 12 mois

Full yearly member benefits.

Discounted rate for students up to age 25. (Proof required.)

Spread the cost over a year.

Special price

Centre: Student 1-month

120 CHF


Special one-month membership rate for students.

Valable 1 mois

Full member benefits.

Short-term commitment.

Discounted rate for students up to age 25. (Proof required.)

Student membership

Extra flexible payment options for student 

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